Tuesday, February 26, 2013

11 months and counting

I can't believe our little man is almost one! This time last year I was massively pregnant and so uncomfortable! This morning I was thinking about what it'd be like to be a baby in a belly, swimming around in there.  I just couldn't comprehend it! Having children is truly incredible.

Update on our funny little guy...
he can walk around furniture, but not on his own
he turns around when we say his name
he has two teeth, no real signs of more any time soon
he crawls at lightning speed
sippy cups are his friend, no more bottles!
he has a little blue blanket that he looooves, he gets so excited when he sees it and wants to snuggle with it
he is not super interested in eating, but he loves french toast and bananas
most of the time he is saying "dadada" "mamam" "rarara" "nanana"
he has a small fear of the bathtub, this was sudden and I don't know why!
his eyes are still big
he finds phones like a dog finds buried bones, he can sniff them out
he has a little orange hot wheels car he "drives" on everything
he likes to push the trash can around, but sometimes pushes it on himself. gross.
he also has a thing for remotes
he laughs and laughs
his thighs are ticklish

In other news, David is in a ceramics class this semester. Suprisingly (to him and me) he is enjoying it.  He's never taken an art class, like ever. So this is way new territory for him! I don't think he would have had the gall to take it if he hadn't married an art teacher.  He's been doing it in our kitchen. It's so cute seeing him be artsy =)