Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I am officially feeling large. Feel stretched to the max. I know I have a long way to go, but seriously can my skin handle this?! Baby boy is very active, especially around 9 o'clock at night. He's pretty consistent. Today I felt the first wave of movement across my stomach rather than the usual poke. Every night around 9pm, he wakes up and jostles around. I have to admit I love it. I can't wait to meet him! Most nights I wake up from really strange dreams with him already here and talking to us. I wonder if they'll stop when he really does show up.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

21 weeks

I'm sick. It's very bad timing. However, being sick and pregnant has inducted me to the pregnancy wall of shame...or fame. I have a nasty cough which makes me convulse so hard that I actually pee my pants. I have to stop moving when I cough and keep my legs as tight as possible. Thank you baby chinn for letting me know what it's really like to be pregnant.

This is pretty long overdue since the world knows already, but baby chinn is a boy! Definitely. a. boy. I knew before the ultrasound tech told us. So nice to know! I love to look at the ultrasound pictures. He was moving like crazy in the ultrasound, kicking and flailing his arms. It was truly amazing to see and think about there being a little person inside me. That's is simply incredible! We found out on Halloween and I had planned to buy stuff for baby boy as soon as we knew, but now almost 2 weeks have gone by and I haven't bought anything.

I'm almost 22 weeks now and starting to realize...we don't have much yet. We got a free crib, check. We have some longhorn bootie socks, check. And...that's about it. I had planned on making a lot of stuff myself, but that was when I thought it could be a girl. I can make bows, dresses, and all kinds of girly things. Boy crafts are not my forte. I'll have to learn. Still on my list is a jogging stroller and carseat of course. I have my eye set on a Phil and Teds stroller, they are expensive, but awesome! I need a jogging stroller with a swivel front wheel. Most I've looked at don't have this, but phil and teds does! Me want.